Does the river have rights?
If she lies in me and in you,
runs fast and true
Like the land shifts
and responds to its inhabitants
with loving receptivity,
I ask my viewer,
Can you consider this ecosystem whole?
Can you discern the pieces conjoined?
the way connection becomes marriage
and collage becomes spell.
The works before you
are a meditation on
these networks and systems -
the natural phenomena
and their supernatural implications.
Influenced by signs
and symbols of the occult
and the alchemical,
my process abides by
a principle of surrender
to the elements
of which my materials are made,
and that which they will return.
This process is collaborative,
devotional, tedious and daily
as I grow my dye stuff,
nurse my indigo,
and beat thread into cloth.
I lean on the craft of
weaving, print, light and color
as a motherly matrix
to access the otherworldly,
the subconscious
through a prayer of repetition.
May these intricate currents
of weft and warp
carry you through spaces
conductive of care.
They are my faithful records
of the little transformations,
the little transcendences
that touch even the most mundane.
May this light illuminate
the colorways of the landscape,
and let you in on a secret…
one hidden from all those
who move too quickly,
or without curiosity.
This is an intimate invitation
to consider the shapes and colors
of the sacred present
in our everyday lives,
and draw us closer to it.
Draw a ribbon of light upon the waters…
Hold this love like a stone
in the palm of your hand.
let it saturate you
(then let it go)